Johnny Wong Yu Hin

Johnny Wong Yu Hin

Johnny is currently working on investigating the canonical Wnt signaling, cell-derived matrices, and the effects of Wnt molecules in these matrices on cell processes. He is also working on high-throughput drug screening of cancer cells encapsulated in a 3D microenvironment to better mimic physiological conditions. In his free time, he enjoys listening to music and watching TV shows.

Publications & conferences:

Yip, Chi Hung, et al. “Multiphoton microfabrication and micropatternining (MMM)-based screening of multiplex cell niche factors for phenotype maintenance-Bovine nucleus pulposus cell as an example.” Biomaterials 281 (2022): 121367.

Lam, Vincent Kwok Lim, et al. “Rac1-GTPase regulates compression-induced actin protrusions (CAPs) of mesenchymal stem cells in 3D collagen micro-tissues.” Biomaterials 274 (2021): 120829.

Wong, Y.H., Chan, B.P., 2019. “Intranuclear localization of Wnt3a as exemplified in human mesenchymal stem cells and HeLa cells.” Gordon Research Conferences. Mount Snow, 89 Grand Summit Way, West Dover, Vermont, United States of America.

Wong, Y.H., Chan, B.P., 2019. “Intranuclear localization of Wnt3a as exemplified in human mesenchymal stem cells and HeLa cells.” Gordon Research Seminar. Mount Snow, 89 Grand Summit Way, West Dover, Vermont, United States of America.

  • Wnt signaling (Wnt3a)
  • Cell-derived matrices
  • 3D cancer cells drug screening
  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering, 2022

    The University of Hong Kong

  • BEng in Medical Engineering, 2016

    The University of Hong Kong