New Paper: Dynamic cyclic compression modulates the chondrogenic phenotype in human chondrocytes from late stage osteoarthritis

In this work, we applied cyclic compression loading on cultured human osteoarthritic chondrocytes (hOAC)-collagen constructs and measured the expression of the major chondrogenic factors, cell-matrix interaction molecules and matrix degradation enzymes. Our results show that dynamic compression loading stimulates the expression and nuclear localization of Sox9 in hOACs and reduces the catabolic events via downregulated expression of collagenases.

Check out the published paper here:


Human osteoarthritic chondrocytes (hOACs) are characterized by their “dedifferentiated” and catabolic phenotype and lack the ability for restoring their inherent functions by themselves. Here we investigated whether extrinsically supplemented mechanical signal via compression loading would affect the phenotype of hOACs. Specifically, we applied cyclic compression loading on cultured hOACs-collagen constructs and measured the expression of the major chondrogenic factors, cell-matrix interaction molecules and matrix degradation enzymes. Dynamic compression loading stimulates the expression and nuclear localization of sox9 in hOACs and reduces the catabolic events via downregulated expression of collagenases. These results contribute to better understanding towards mechanoregulation of hOACs.