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New Paper: Multiphoton microfabrication and micropatterning (MMM) – An all-in-one platform for engineering biomimetic soluble cell niches

We used the multiphoton microfabrication and micropatterning (MMM) technology to engineer a spatially and quantitatively controllable bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) soluble niche. The micropatterned NA bound-bBMP-2 niche elicited a more sustained and a higher level of the downstream Smad signaling than that by free BMP-2, in C2C12 cells.

Check out the published paper here:

New Paper: Multiphoton microfabrication and micropatterning (MMM)-based screening of multiplex cell niche factors for phenotype maintenance - Bovine nucleus pulposus cell as an example

Our multiphoton microfabrication and micropatterning (MMM) technology was used to screen multiple cell niche factors for bovine nucleus pulposus cells (bNPCs). The optimal niche improved bNPC phenotype markers and maintained their morphology and phenotype.

Check out the published paper here: